Please Enter the Frame number and/or Engine number to check if the bike you are intending to purchase is on our database and if it has been registered as stolen by the current owner.

If bike comes up as stolen, please inform the police.

If the bike comes up as registered on Cross Checker follow the instructions to get a unique code sent to the owner which will match your code.

Ask the owner to check their email for the unique codes if the codes match then you are buying the bike from the registered owner on Cross Checker.*

*As far as is reasonably practical.

Check A Bike

Hints When Buying A Bike

  • Enter Frame number and/or Engine Number to check if bike is registered on Cross Checker.
  • If bike is registered on Cross Checker follow instructions to ensure you are buying from the real owner.
  • Ask for proof of sellers I.D
  • Purchase At Sellers House
  • Avoid buying bike at an unfamiliar location or petrol station.
  • Ask for Proof of ownership.
  • Ask for receipts For service history.
  • Get a Sales receipt with:
    • Sellers name.
    • Sellers Address.
    • Bike Engine Number.
    • Bike Frame Number.
    • Date and Price.